Ericka K. F. Simpson
Ericka K.F. Simpson was born and raised in Norfolk, Virginia. Her passion for writing began in grade school when she started writing poetry. In high school, she pretended she was a newspaper sports writer and wrote articles about her experiences on the basketball team. Those articles later turned into short stories and soon evolved into a full length novel. Ericka is now a self-published author of seven books and a non-fiction work entitled, Living With 3 Strikes Against Me; a collection of her thoughts on subjects ranging from women, love, religion and the LGBT community. Also highlighted in this book are poems Ericka has written dating back to her middle school years.
In June 2010, Ericka won the Black Writers Reunion and Conference 2010 Atlanta Scholarship Competition. She currently lives in Macon, GA where she is enjoying life as a mother to her adoptive and foster children. Her current projects include Fostered to Love, the first installment in her foster parent experience.